Etaoin O’Reilly – Emerging Visual Artist
1 July, 2020 - 30 September, 2020
Ceramic artist and facilitator Etaoin O’Reilly was An Táin Arts Centre’s artist in residence for 2020. Etaoin is a graduate of NCAD (2014), and of the Design and Crafts Council of Ireland’s Ceramics Skills and Design Course (2016). She is also a former artist in residence at NCAD (2016) and LSAD (2018). Etaoin hopes to explore the fading industry and skills of bone china factory workers, with an exhibition of new works and open studio planned for the month of September. “When I was studying pottery I attended the British ceramics biennial, while I was there I became fascinated by the work of Neil Brownsword. The piece was called “Factory”. It highlighted a very interesting topic of the bone china flower makers fading away. I think it is critical in ceramics to pass on our skills to the next generation. I am starting a residency in An Tain Art Centre, where I will be making pieces to symbolise my hope that this beautiful technique will thrive. I will be making traditional pottery shapes, such as teapots, vases and storage jars. Then I will be hand building bunches of flowers in ceramics and attaching them to the form. The idea is that the flowers will be bursting out of the piece, this symbolises that the flowers will always thrive in any environment. I want people to come and join in with making ceramic flowers, and have a go on the pottery wheel. I would like to introduce people to the techniques of ceramics, and spread awareness about the ceramic craft and how it could become extinct.”
Open Studio | August | Tuesday – Thursday, 10.00 – 13.00 & 13.30 – 16.00
Our Visual Artist in Residence invites you to pay a visit to her open, working pottery studio in the Basement Gallery. Come watch an artist at work!
Exhibition | The Thriving Flower Basement Gallery | 5th – 26th September See the streamed launch here!
Etaoin was in residence in the Basement Gallery studio during July, August and September 2020.
Follow her progress on Instagram @etaoinoreillyceramic #antainartists