Dylan Connolly – Soundscape Artist
1 June, 2020 - 31 August, 2020
Over the past 30 years, Dylan Connolly has been involved in all areas of contemporary arts. He has lived and worked as an artist within both visual and performance practice, developed programmess of education for all age ranges and abilities in the production of artistic creativity, and more recently, focused professionally on the successful management of the technical facilities within five arts centres in extremely diverse cultural contexts. Having a comprehensive artistic background has given him the foundation upon which to develop his management experience, alongside an artistic practice that involves the manifestation of the LIFE/ART principle. Dylan has taken on a series of public facing projects that have a framework within the organised artistic experience.
Production design of Theatre, Dance, Film and live music events has given him the opportunity to work within larger teams of people, provided finance for equipment used in the production of events, and developed his skills in all areas of creative technical production. As a musician, Dylan’s focus for many years has been primarily rhythm and percussion, this has been layered with the digital synthesis of sound using a variety of analogue and electronic equipment. As we operate as individuals in a 360 degree environment with a multitude of senses, incorporating our own personal historical experience, he has found soundscape installation to be the most comprehensive way of presenting an experience to an audience.
As part of his residency Dylan performed weekly online soundscape sessions on Facebook.
Dylan was in residence in An Táin Arts Centre during July, August and September 2020.