Book Club: ‘Memoirs of a Geezer’ by Jah Wobble
29 February, 2024 | 8:00 pm
A frank and fascinating account of a geezer’s life in the music business. Jah Wobble begins by offering the most authentic insider’s account of the beginning of punk rock yet. He covers the celebrated ups of his career along with the downs, both personally and professionally. Throughout the book Wobble tells it like he sees it. Jah Wobble is one of the founding members of Public Image Limited (PiL) along with John Lydon. He is a bassist, singer, composer, poet, and music journalist.
Once you have signed up we will notify you if the book club is in person or online in advance of the night.
If the book club is online we will send you the Zoom link and password in advance. If you would like to source this or any book, contact your local county library or email and Tom will let you know if he can get it for you.