Tara Tine – Multimedia Artist
1 January, 2022 - 30 April, 2022
Tara Tine is a documentary maker, author and musician based in Dundalk. Her work is largely informed by the liminality of the borderland landscape on which she grew up, as well as by the magic and mythology ingrained in all aspects of Irish culture. Lockdown 2020 led to the birth of her YouTube channel, ‘Diary of a Ditch Witch’ where she delves into history, folklore and all aspects of Irish culture through a humorous lens, using animation, music and storytelling to engage her audience. This year, she will begin to dig into one of the most famous mythological tales in the Irish collection, An Táin Bó Cuailgne.”
Tara was in residence during January – April 2022.
Follow her progress on Facebook @taratine , on Twitter @tine_tara, on Instagram @tara_tine and #antainartists across all platforms.