Cut and Paste – Encore Productions Poetry Evening
29 November, 2023 | 8:00 pm
Tickets €5 (plus €1.50 booking fee per ticket)
Encore Productions and RehabCare Dundalk.
Memory plays it’s tricks. Reaching back to places and faces, feelings and events from long ago – we often make mistakes. We grasp for something that happened somewhere and stick it instead into the wrong time and place…beautiful mix ups.
The poems and stories gathered here are full of such recollections – along side wonderful leaps of the imagination. Things that never were and never will? Things that really happened.
Orlaith Cullinane led the group in an arts practice equally rich in collision and coincidence – turning dusty books from charity shop shelves into multicoloured cut and paste collage.
Well known local actors will lend their voices to the words. Digital images of the artwork will be projected to an accompanying soundscape from some surprise musical guests. Audiences attending our previous poetry nights have been moved to tears, laughter and applause. Get your tickets now for what promises to be another magical night of words, art and music.