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A monthly book club in association with Roe River Books & Louth County Libraries.

SIGN UP FOR OUR BOOK CLUB If you signed up for a previous book club gathering, you are automatically subscribed for future ones, no need to sign up again!

A deeply moving memoir of how a theatre company took over the management of the UK’s oldest surviving working men’s club in the UK and battled bureaucracy, resistance from naysayers, and a global lock-down to galvanise the community during the Covid pandemic, running a non-means tested self-referral foodbank that delivered 15,202 food parcels to people in need.
Includes author Q&A.

Once you have signed up we will notify you if the book club is in person or online in advance of the night. If the book club is online we will send you the Zoom link and password in advance.

If you would like to source this or any book, contact your local county library or email info@roeriverbooks.ie and Tom will let you know if he can get it for you.

This is a free event presented by An Táin Arts Centre. If you’ve enjoyed your time, a donation will help us to continue supporting artists and presenting creative projects in the community. SUPPORT US

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