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A monthly book club in association with Roe River Books & Louth County Libraries.
If you registered for a previous book club gathering, you are automatically subscribed for future ones, no need to register again!

Ingenious Pain is the extraordinary prize-winning debut from Andrew Miller – a highly imaginative, atmospheric first novel. At the dawn of the Enlightenment, a man is born unable to feel pain. A source of wonder and scientific curiosity as a child, he rises through the ranks of Georgian society to become a brilliant surgeon. Yet as a human being he fails, for he can no more feel love and compassion than pain. Until, en-route to St Petersburg to inoculate the Empress Catherine, he meets his nemesis and saviour.

Our book club takes place upstairs in the Townhouse Bar & Restaurant.

Occasionally we host the book club online and notify members via email. If the book club is online, you will be provided with a Zoom link and password in advance. If you would like to source this or any book, contact your local county library or email info@roeriverbooks.ie and Tom will let you know if he can get it for you.

This is a free event presented by An Táin Arts Centre. If you’ve enjoyed your time, a donation will help us to continue supporting artists and presenting creative projects in the community. SUPPORT US

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