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Love Letters
24 September, 2024 | 8:00 pm - 25 September, 2024 | 8:00 pm
Tickets €15 (plus €1.50 booking fee per ticket)
Show length: 1 hour 10 mins
Alan Alda and Candice Bergen. Diana Rigg and Martin Sheen. Brian Dennehy and Mia Farrow. These are just some of the actors and actresses who have performed A R Gurney’s two-hander, Love Letters, which was a finalist for the Pullitzer Prize for Drama.
The play centres around two characters, Melissa Gardner and Andrew Makepeace Ladd III, as they sit side by side reading a 50-year correspondence full of hopes and ambitions, dreams and disappointments, victories and defeats. Performed by two of Dundalk’s best known faces of the stage, Mona Daly and Stephen Burns, this timeless bitter-sweet love story has proved to be an audience favourite all over the world.